Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Update, Jun 21

Thus far, thanks in large part to the extraordinarily generous parents who already work hard as part of the Montgomery Education Foundation, we've raised about $500. We still have a long way to go to reach our $4,000 goal though, and we need your help. If you can donate, we'd greatly appreciate it. If you have friends who would see the value in this project, please feel free to pass the link along to them. If you know of any businesses you think might be interested in sponsoring or helping fund our project, let us know and we can contact them.

In the next few days, I'll be posting an entry that explains what I love about the novel and why it has inspired me to help spearhead this project. I hope you'll consider sharing as well.


Saturday, June 4, 2011

Donations Info

Thank you in advance for donating to the Montgomery High School Hunger Games Project. We are tremendously excited about teaching this novel and working with our freshman class as a whole group. 600 copies of the novel is A LOT, especially when we're hoping to start the school year in August with it. You can donate a sum of your choosing or, if you'd prefer to think about how many copies you've given us, donate in $7 increments (for example, $70 buys 10 copies, $35 buys 5 copies, etc.).

Let me stress that every donation is appreciated. You are welcome to keep up with this blog if you'd like to see what we will be up to with our project.

Here are a few ways you can donate:

  1. If you would like to donate right now online, you can use the Donations button to the right to donate via credit card. This link will take you to PayPal. If you are using a credit card, you do not need to sign up for a PayPal account. 
  2. You can also use the Donations button to donate using your checking account. Using a checking account does require a PayPal account, however.
  3. If you are local and know one of the teachers associated with the project, you can mail or give your check to that person.
  4. Local folks can also head to Montgomery High School and ask that their donation be deposited into the Hunger Games club account. Please make sure to specify this. Please write "Hunger Games Project" on the memo line.
  5. If you would still like to donate by paper check but are not local, please email montyhungergames@gmail.com for an address to which you can mail your check.
Let me repeat once more than we sincerely appreciate any support you will give us. If you have any other questions, suggestions, or ideas about fundraising or the project in general, please email montyhungergames@gmail.com

Thank you again!

About Our Goal

Let me start by explaining what the MHS Hunger Games Project is all about. Last year, a couple students made a suggestion to their teacher that she read a novel called The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. She did, and the novel was passed along from teacher to teacher. Several of us got together with the two students who first suggested the novel and came up with the plan to have a whole-school read. For several reasons, that became a goal that was beyond our abilities considering the timeline we had to work with. We elected to focus instead on a project with incoming freshman class during the 2011-2012 school year.

Having our entire freshman class read the same novel to start the school will accomplish several goals. Chief among them is developing a sense of community among our students, giving them the opportunity to engage with one another across social groups. The characters in the novel are teenagers as well, and though they deal with extraordinary circumstances in their lives, so do our students. Most of us have no idea what our students or classmates are experiencing as part of their everyday lives. Becoming more open to the experiences of others and developing compassion for our peers is key.

In addition, we, the teachers involved, have all heard from a variety of students about how engaging they found The Hunger Games. The plot is action-packed and dramatic, the conflicts and characters are engrossing and relatable, and the themes are both timeless and timely. In a time when many of our students choose not to read, we believe this novel will excite and interest them, perhaps lighting a fire for reading that has since burned out.

These are some of the reasons why we've chosen this project, this book. The discussions, the lessons, the reading; those are the easy parts. Right now we need help with a more difficult goal. And that's where you come in. In order to have enough copies for our incoming freshman class (and the 9th grade teachers) we will need approximately 600 copies of the novel. Though we would like to purchase the hard-bound version which will last longer, the reality is that we will need more time to raise that amount. We are planning to start the school year with the novel, which means we need to be able to place an order by the end of July most likely. We are aiming for 600 copies of the paperback version and can use all the support you are able to give. For more information about donations, check the "Donations Info" blog entry.